
Hospitals and Clinics

Directory of Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centres in Malaysia

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There are 48 Listings in this Category.
Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

As one of the international cancer research bases, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is famous for good service and advanced technology, providing you the most suitable treatment and the best service.

Mount Miriam Hospital

Mount Miriam Hospital


myPhysioWorks - Physiotherapy Centre

myPhysioWorks - Physiotherapy Centre

myPhysioWorks Sdn Bhd was established in early 2010. Our first centre, Botanic Physiotherapy Centre was established in Bandar Botanic, Klang as a full fledged standalone physiotherapy centre.

Noble Care Malaysia

Noble Care Malaysia

Noble Care Malaysia which facilitates the potential residents with efficient and satisfying in-home nursing care services via our professional nurses.

Nurses at Home

Nurses at Home

The demand for home care nurse is increasing day by day after noticing the quality of service they are offering to the patients of any age and sex. There are organizations which are linked with hospitals to take care of the patients who nee ...

Peters Radiant Clinic

Peters Radiant Clinic

We apply modern aesthetic treatment and procedures from the latest scientific discovery in the industry. Schedule a free consultation in Shah Alam today!

PJ Mentalink Care

PJ Mentalink Care

PJ Mentalink Home has been privately owned since 1998, but we have just created an online presence. We are a mental care home (like a nursing home) located in the heart of Petaling Jaya. We currently cater to patients of various races and r ...

Ramsay Sime Darby Healthcare Hospital

Ramsay Sime Darby Healthcare Hospital

At Ramsay Sime Darby Health Care our mission is to provide the best healthcare in Malaysia, Indonesia and throughout Asia. We deliver award-winning private healthcare, delivered by an exceptional team of specialists and healthcare professio ...

Regency Specialist Hospital

Regency Specialist Hospital

Regency Specialist Hospital is a 218 bed private tertiary care hospital offering comprehensive range of quality health care facilities and services located at Bandar Seri Alam a township 18km from Johor Bahru city centre along the Pasir Gu ...

Revival Medical Clinic

Revival Medical Clinic

Located in Taman Sutera Utama, Johor Bahru. Revival Medical Clinic is an aesthetic clinic specializing in a comprehensive range of aesthetic treatment, ranging from IPL hair removal, acne scar treatment, fractional co2 lase, botox, dermal f ...

Sky Clinic

Sky Clinic

Sky Clinic is the brainchild of a band of doctors and healthcare professionals who esteem to look beyond the regular fa�ade of modern medicine. Equipped with vision and contrivance, these doctors strive to share their years of acquired insight, practice a

Spine & Co

Spine & Co

Spine & Co, a Chiropractic clinic in Malaysia offering non-surgical ways to treat various kinds of musculoskeletal problems. Visit our website today to know more about us or call us at +60173366 010.

Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre

Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre

Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre (“Sri Kota”) is a 9-storey high 232-bed Tertiary Private Hospital equipped with modern facilities located in the heart of Klang town, Selangor. Sri Kota was born out of the vision to provide premium ...

Sunway Medical Centre

Sunway Medical Centre

Bandar Sunday, Selangor

Tanjung Medical Centre

Tanjung Medical Centre


TMC Fertility Centre

TMC Fertility Centre

TMC Fertility Centre offers a wide range of fertility services, with pregnancy rates comparable to the top centres around the world.

Tonik Asia Group Specialists (TAGS)

Tonik Asia Group Specialists (TAGS)

Tonik Asia Group Specialists (TAGS) principal activity is the operation of healthcare centres specialising in the provision of chiropractic, physiotherapy and orthopedic Malaysia care for neuromusculoskeletal conditions. This area of the Gr ...

Tung Shin Hospital

Tung Shin Hospital

Kuala Lumpur


Dr. Balan is deeply committed to providing conservative yet highly effective urological treatment, personalized care in the management of urological diseases, and in keeping up to date with innovative techniques to continuously introduce br ...

USJ Eye Specialist

USJ Eye Specialist

USJ Eye Specialist is a comprehensive eye specialist centre located in USJ, Subang Jaya, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur. We provide excellent services and high quality vision care for patients. We offer modern technology for the best possible tre ...

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